An Evening Out With Laurel’s Very Own
Marty Friedman

By Pete Lewnes | February 28, 2019
Last Sunday nite with the boys, Willem & Mitchell, the three of us set out to see Marty’s last show of his 2019 U.S. tour at the Ottobar in Baltimore. Sold out and standing room only. Much like last year, the band remained the same with bassist Kiyoshi, guitarist Jordan Ziff and the replacement on drums by “WILD MAN” Chargeeee. It does not get any better than this and the opening acts were a great group of guys to chat with after the show.
I was able to spend a few moments with Marty backstage and pick his brain about a few photographs that I found in Laurel late last year. Marty stated that there was only one he had ever seen before—they were of his band Hawaii, and were shot at the gig he played at the Andrews Outdoor Theatre in Honolulu in 1982.

That being said, I felt that they needed to go back home and gave them to Marty much to his surprise. He couldn’t thank me enough, but it came with a catch. I presented him with a Laurel History Boys cap, t-shirt, and sticker with the promise of him sporting them and placing the sticker somewhere cool back home in Tokyo. We look forward to that photograph when time permits.